Question 1
What percentage of women in the UK will experience an unintended pregnancy?
A. 10%
B. 45%
C. 25%
D. 5%
Question 2
What percentage of births are as a result of an unintended pregnancy?
A. 33%
B. 15%
C. 5%
D. 20%
Question 3
What percentage of women will have an abortion in their lifetime?
A. 10%
B. 42%
C. 34%
D. 22%
Question 4
What percentage of abortions are due to medical reasons such as a foetal abnormality?
A. 60%
B. 45%
C. 15%
D. 2%
Question 5
What is the most common cause of contraceptive failure?
A. Wrong pill prescribed by medical professional
B. Health issue interfered with pill’s effectiveness (such as taking antibiotics)
C. Human error
D. Faulty manufacture
Question 6
Overall, how effective is the contraceptive pill?
A. 91% effective
B. 75% effective
C. 99% effective
D. 100% effective
Question 7
Overall, how effective are condoms as a contraceptive?
A. 50% effective
B. 75% effective
C. 99% effective
D. 82% effective
Question 8
What percentage of couples undergoing IVF succeed in giving birth?
A. 30% effective
B. 70% effective
C. 50% effective
D. 15% effective